star wars: galaxy of heroes tips and tricks

5 Top Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Hey folks! We’re thrilled to be your guides today as we navigate through the mesmerizing universe of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes available on both Android and iOS devices. In this dynamic and engaging mobile game, each one of us has the opportunity to embody the role of a strategic commander, leading a team of iconic Star Wars characters into battle, and we absolutely love it!

Whether you’ve just started your intergalactic journey and are still getting the hang of the controls, or you’ve been playing for a while and consider yourself a veteran, we believe there’s always something new and exciting to discover. That’s why we’ve decided to put together this little treasure trove of tips and tricks to enhance your gaming experience. So, grab your lightsabers and blasters, and let’s dive right into the action with confidence and the wisdom of Yoda on our side!

1. Start Strong with Daily Activities

Hey there, fellow gamers! One of the first things we notice when we launch Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes each day is the list of daily activities waiting for our attention. These aren’t just arbitrary tasks designed to keep us busy; they’re stepping stones to building a stronger and more resilient team.

Daily activities are diverse, ranging from completing battles to upgrading characters. Each completed task not only brings us a sense of achievement but also showers us with a variety of rewards. We’re talking about training droids, credits, and the ever-precious crystals here!

Training droids are essential for leveling up our characters, while credits are the currency that keeps our operations smooth. And those crystals? They’re the premium currency in the game, allowing us to purchase rare items and unlock special features. In other words, these rewards are the fuel that powers our journey through the galaxy.

But wait, there’s more! Consistency is key in this game. By completing daily activities regularly, we also earn experience points (XP). Accumulating XP helps us level up as players, unlocking new game modes and features that make the adventure even more thrilling and enjoyable.

So, let’s make it a habit to start our gaming sessions by tackling these daily activities. Not only do they set the tone for a successful and rewarding play session, but they also ensure that we’re continually growing and strengthening our squad. With a robust team and a wealth of resources at our disposal, we’re well on our way to becoming legendary commanders in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes!

2. Focus on Building a Balanced Team

Building a balanced team is crucial in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and it’s something we always keep in mind when diving into the game. The temptation to stack our squad with heavy hitters is real, but we’ve learned through many battles and adventures that a well-rounded team is truly the way to go.

First off, let’s think about the roles our characters can play. There are attackers, tanks, and support or healer characters. Attackers are the damage dealers; they’re the ones who’ll bring the pain to our enemies. But while they’re strong, they can’t do it alone.

That’s where tanks come in. These characters can absorb a lot of damage, protecting our attackers and keeping them safe from harm. With a good tank on our side, our attackers have the freedom to do what they do best without fear of being taken down by the enemy.

But even tanks need help sometimes, and that’s where our support and healer characters shine. They can heal and buff our team, providing the extra edge needed to prevail in tight battles. Support characters can turn the tide with abilities that enhance our team’s performance or hinder our enemies, making them invaluable members of the squad.

Now, let’s talk strategy. We always consider the synergy between our characters. Some characters work better together, enhancing each other’s abilities and creating powerful combos. Understanding these synergies and building our team accordingly is a game-changer.

We also pay attention to the factions. Characters from the same faction often have bonuses when paired together. For example, placing Jedi Knight Anakin with Ahsoka Tano can unlock special abilities and bonuses, making our team even stronger.

Lastly, we don’t forget to experiment. The game is always evolving, with new characters and features being added regularly. What works well today might not be as effective tomorrow, so we stay flexible, try out different combinations, and continually refine our strategy to build a team that can take on any challenge the game throws at us.

With a balanced and well-thought-out team, we’re not just playing; we’re strategizing, planning, and leading our squad to victory, one battle at a time!

3. Upgrade Wisely

When it comes to upgrading characters in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, we like to think of it as an investment. And like all good investors, we know it’s crucial to get the most bang for our buck. Upgrading characters requires resources, and since these are limited, we need to be strategic about who gets the boost.

Firstly, we focus on the characters that are our mainstays, the ones we use in almost every battle. These are typically our strongest and most reliable heroes, and enhancing their powers and abilities can significantly impact our performance in the game.

But it’s not just about the characters we like; it’s also about their roles in the team. We prioritize upgrading our attackers to increase the damage they deal, making it easier to take down enemies. Boosting our tanks is also crucial as it enhances their ability to absorb damage, protecting the rest of the squad.

We also can’t forget about our support and healer characters. Upgrading these heroes improves their healing and buffing abilities, providing much-needed support that can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Now, let’s talk about abilities. Each character has a unique set of skills, and upgrading these can dramatically enhance their effectiveness in battle. We always keep an eye on the abilities that our characters use most often and invest in upgrading these first.

Gear is another important aspect of character upgrades. Equipping our heroes with the best gear available enhances their stats, making them stronger, faster, and more resilient. We constantly look out for gear that complements our characters’ strengths and helps mitigate their weaknesses.

Lastly, we’re always on the lookout for new and powerful characters being introduced to the game. Sometimes, investing in a newly released character can provide our team with the extra firepower needed to dominate in battles and events.

By upgrading wisely and strategically, we ensure that our resources are spent in a way that maximizes the potential of our squad, paving the way for countless victories in the galaxy!

4. Participate in Events

Events in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes are special occasions that we always look forward to. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill battles; events offer unique challenges and, more importantly, the opportunity to earn some of the most sought-after rewards in the game.

First and foremost, events are the primary way to unlock rare and powerful characters. These characters aren’t available through the usual means, so participating in events is crucial if we want to add them to our roster. And trust us, many of these event-exclusive characters are game-changers, bringing unique abilities and synergies to our squad.

But it’s not just about unlocking characters. Events also offer a plethora of other rewards, including gear, credits, and ability materials. These resources are invaluable for strengthening our team, allowing us to upgrade and enhance our characters to take on even tougher challenges.

To make the most out of events, preparation is key. Each event has specific requirements, such as using characters from a certain faction or having characters at a particular power level. We always check the event details well in advance and start preparing our team to meet these requirements. This might mean leveling up certain characters, acquiring new ones, or farming for gear.

Timing is also crucial. Events aren’t always available, so we mark our calendars and set reminders to ensure we don’t miss out. Some events are recurring, giving us multiple chances to participate, while others are one-time affairs. Either way, we make sure to jump in and take advantage of these opportunities whenever they arise.

Participating in events also adds variety to our gaming experience. Each event brings different objectives and challenges, breaking up the monotony of regular battles and keeping the game fresh and exciting. It’s a chance to test our skills, try out different strategies, and see how our team stacks up against unique challenges.

In the end, events are a cornerstone of our strategy for success in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. They provide the resources, characters, and excitement that keep us engaged and always ready for the next battle. So, let’s stay alert, prepare wisely, and dive into events head-first to claim the glorious rewards that await!

5. Join a Guild

Joining a guild in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes opens up a whole new dimension of gameplay, and we can’t stress enough how beneficial it is to be part of a community of like-minded players. Guilds are more than just a group of gamers; they’re a support system, a resource pool, and a strategy think-tank all rolled into one.

Firstly, being in a guild allows us to participate in Guild Raids. These are special battles designed for cooperative play, where we and our guildmates take on powerful bosses for some of the game’s best rewards. Raids offer unique challenges and require coordinated strategies, making them an exciting and rewarding team effort.

Guilds also provide access to Guild Currency and the Guild Store. By participating in guild activities and raids, we earn Guild Currency, which can be spent in the Guild Store. This exclusive shop offers characters and gear that are hard to find elsewhere, making it a valuable resource for strengthening our squad.

Being part of a guild also means we have a group of experienced players at our fingertips, ready to offer advice and share strategies. Whether we’re stuck on a difficult battle or unsure of how to build our team, our guildmates can provide valuable insights based on their own experiences. This shared knowledge is invaluable as we navigate through the game’s challenges.

Guilds also offer a sense of community and camaraderie. Playing Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is fun, but it’s even more enjoyable when we have friends to share in our victories and support us during tough times. The social aspect of guilds adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the gaming experience.

Lastly, guilds provide daily activities and challenges that offer additional rewards. These tasks are designed to encourage teamwork, with the entire guild working together to achieve common goals. Completing these activities not only strengthens the guild but also provides us with extra resources to use in our individual adventures.

In essence, joining a guild is one of the smartest moves we can make in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. The combination of exclusive rewards, shared knowledge, and community support makes guild membership an invaluable aspect of the game. So, let’s find a guild that aligns with our goals and playing style, and make some new friends as we conquer the galaxy together!


With these tips and tricks in our arsenal, we’re ready to take on the Galaxy of Heroes with confidence and style. Remember, the game is not just about having the strongest characters but also about strategy and teamwork. So, let’s play smart, have fun, and may the Force be with us!

For those of us who are visual learners or prefer a step-by-step guide, there are plenty of resources available to help us master the game. For beginners, check out this New and Improved Beginner’s Guide that provides a comprehensive overview of how to start strong in the game. It’s an excellent resource for understanding the basics and setting ourselves up for success.

For a complete strategy guide and walkthrough, IGN’s Guide is a fantastic resource. It leads us through every step of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, from the title screen to the final battle, ensuring we have the knowledge and skills needed to conquer the galaxy.

And for an in-depth look at characters, ships, events, raids, and more, the SWGoH Wiki is the place to go. It’s a comprehensive guide and resource site for the game, providing valuable information on every aspect of Galaxy of Heroes.

By combining the tips and tricks we’ve shared with the wealth of information available online, we’re not just playing the game; we’re mastering it. So, let’s dive in, explore, learn, and most importantly, enjoy every moment of our Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes adventure! Happy gaming, everyone!

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