arknights tips and tricks

Unpacking Arknights: Best Tips & Tricks for Android and iOS Players

Hey folks! If you’ve recently stumbled upon the captivating world of Arknights, or if you’re looking to sharpen your gameplay, you’ve landed in the right spot! We’ve spent countless hours immersed in its challenges and adventures, learning the ins and outs of this dynamic game. Through trial and error, victories and defeats, we’ve gathered a treasure trove of tips that have not only made our gaming experience smoother but downright enjoyable as well.

In this light-hearted guide, we’re excited to spill the beans on general tips and tricks that have powered our Arknights journey, applicable for both Android and iOS users. Whether you’re a complete beginner feeling a tad overwhelmed or a veteran looking to refine your strategies, these nuggets of wisdom will undoubtedly steer you towards conquering the game with flair and finesse.

So, buckle up as we delve into the nitty-gritty, sharing practical insights to enhance your Arknights adventure!

1. Understand Your Operators

Diving right in, the first tip we can’t stress enough is the importance of understanding your operators. Arknights boasts a diverse cast of characters, each bringing unique abilities, skills, and roles to the table. It’s not just about their cool looks and personalities; these operators are the bread and butter of your gameplay.

Start by familiarizing yourself with the different classes of operators available. Vanguards, for instance, are great for generating cost points quickly, while Snipers are your go-to for dealing damage from a distance. Defenders are your sturdy tanks absorbing damage, and Medics are there to keep everyone in tip-top shape during battle. Each class has a distinct role, and recognizing this is crucial for building a team that ticks all the boxes.

But wait, there’s more! Within each class, every operator has a unique set of skills and talents. Some might excel in dealing area damage, while others could be specialists in healing or buffing teammates. Take the time to explore and experiment with each operator’s abilities, as this knowledge will be your compass in navigating through the game’s various challenges.

Lastly, don’t forget about the importance of Elite promotions. Promoting an operator not only enhances their stats but also unlocks new skills and improves their existing ones. This process is vital for bolstering your team’s strength and versatility, allowing you to face tougher enemies head-on with confidence.

In a nutshell, invest time in getting to know your operators intimately. Understand their strengths, weaknesses, and unique offerings. With this foundation, you’ll be well-equipped to assemble a squad that’s not just balanced but formidable, ready to take on the myriad challenges Arknights throws your way.

2. Upgrade Smartly

When it comes to upgrading, a little strategy goes a long way. We all get the urge to boost every operator that joins our roster, but resources in Arknights are precious. Smart upgrading is all about prioritizing and investing wisely to get the best bang for your buck.

First off, identify your MVPs – the operators you find yourself relying on time and again. These are the characters that consistently perform well and are crucial to your winning strategy. It makes sense to focus on upgrading these operators first since they’ll be leading your charge in most battles.

Next, consider the level of the missions you are tackling. If you’re breezing through with ease, maybe hold off on those upgrades for a bit. However, if you find yourself stuck or barely scraping through victories, it might be time to invest in some upgrades to give your team the extra oomph it needs.

Also, keep an eye on the potential skills and talents that operators will unlock with each upgrade. Sometimes, an upgrade significantly enhances an operator’s abilities, making it a game-changer for your strategy. Being aware of these power spikes can help you decide when it’s worth investing in an upgrade.

But it’s not just about the operators. Your base is equally important. Upgrading facilities in your base, like the power plants and factories, ensures a steady flow of resources, which in turn supports your upgrading endeavors. A strong base is the backbone of a powerful team, so don’t neglect it.

Lastly, practice restraint. It’s tempting to use all your resources to upgrade your favorite operators immediately, but sometimes, saving up for future, more powerful recruits is the smarter play. Arknights is a marathon, not a sprint, and planning for the long game will pay off in spades.

In essence, upgrading smartly is about being strategic and forward-thinking. Prioritize your key operators, upgrade in response to mission challenges, understand the impact of each upgrade, invest in your base, and save for the future. With these principles in mind, you’ll not only strengthen your team but also ensure sustained success in the captivating world of Arknights.

3. Base Building is Key

Base building in Arknights isn’t just a side activity; it’s a fundamental aspect of the game that significantly impacts your progress and efficiency. A well-constructed and managed base serves as a reliable source of resources, helping you sustain and grow your team of operators.

Firstly, let’s talk about the importance of power plants and factories. Power plants generate the energy needed to keep your base operational, while factories produce essential materials and resources. Early in the game, we recommend prioritizing the upgrade of these facilities. An efficient and productive base reduces the grind needed to gather resources manually, allowing you to focus more on strategizing and enjoying the battles.

Then, there’s the matter of dormitories. Keeping your operators in high spirits is crucial, as morale affects their performance. A well-maintained dormitory ensures that your operators are rested and ready for action, so don’t overlook the importance of creating a comfortable living space for your team.

As you advance in Arknights, you’ll unlock additional rooms and facilities, each with unique functions and benefits. The workshop, for example, allows you to craft and upgrade materials, while the trading post facilitates the exchange of resources. Understanding the role and potential of each facility enables you to develop a base layout that maximizes efficiency and output.

But it’s not just about building and upgrading; it’s also about management. Assigning the right operators to the appropriate facilities can boost productivity. Each operator has specific skills and traits that make them more suitable for certain tasks, so take the time to review and allocate your personnel wisely.

Finally, remember that your base is a dynamic space. As you recruit new operators and unlock advanced facilities, be ready to reassess and rearrange your layout to adapt to your growing needs and objectives. A base that evolves with your progress is a base that continues to support and contribute positively to your Arknights adventure.

In conclusion, base building is an integral part of Arknights that deserves your attention and strategic thinking. From prioritizing essential facilities to managing operator assignments, every decision you make influences your resource generation and overall game experience. So, invest the time and thought into constructing and optimizing your base, and watch it become a cornerstone of your success in the game!

4. Plan Your Strategy

Arknights is a tower defense game at heart, and like any game in this genre, a well-thought-out strategy is key to success. Planning your strategy involves understanding the battlefield, knowing your enemies, and deploying the right operators at the right time.

First and foremost, take a good look at the map before you start a mission. Each map in Arknights has its unique layout and set of challenges. Observe the paths that enemies will take, identify choke points where you can maximize damage, and take note of any special features or restrictions of the map. This initial assessment will provide you with valuable insights to formulate your game plan.

Next, consider the types of enemies you’ll be facing. Arknights throws a wide variety of foes your way, each with different strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. Some might be heavily armored, while others might have the ability to heal or buff their comrades. Understanding your enemies’ characteristics allows you to select and position operators who can effectively counter them.

Now, let’s talk about your team. Based on the map and enemies, choose a set of operators that complement each other and are suited to handle the challenges of the mission. Think about the synergy between their abilities, and consider how they can support and enhance each other’s performance on the battlefield. And remember, flexibility is crucial. Be prepared to adjust your deployment and tactics on the fly as the battle unfolds.

During the battle, pay attention to the timing and order of deploying your operators. Sometimes, holding back an operator for a crucial moment or deploying them in a specific sequence can make a significant difference in the outcome of the battle. Mastering the art of timing and deployment is essential for executing your strategy effectively.

Lastly, practice makes perfect. Don’t be discouraged if your initial strategies don’t pan out. Arknights is a game that rewards experimentation and learning. Try different combinations of operators, tweak your deployment, and refine your tactics with each attempt. Over time, you’ll develop a keen sense of strategy that will help you conquer even the most daunting missions.

In a nutshell, planning your strategy in Arknights involves a combination of observation, understanding, planning, timing, and adaptation. Approach each mission with a thoughtful game plan, be flexible in your execution, and learn from each battle. With these principles in mind, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the strategic depth of Arknights and enjoying the thrill of victory!

5. Complete Daily and Weekly Missions

Daily and Weekly Missions are like the unsung heroes of your Arknights journey. These missions might seem small and insignificant at first glance, but trust us, they pack a punch when it comes to boosting your progress in the game.

Firstly, let’s talk about the obvious: rewards. Daily and Weekly Missions offer a variety of rewards, including the premium currency Orundum, valuable resources, and experience cards. These rewards are essential for upgrading and promoting your operators, expanding and enhancing your base, and recruiting new characters. Consistently completing these missions ensures a steady inflow of resources that will support your advancement in the game.

But there’s more to these missions than just the loot. Daily and Weekly Missions also serve as a guide, subtly nudging you to explore different aspects of the game. Whether it’s participating in a specific type of battle, using certain classes of operators, or engaging with the base-building component, these missions encourage you to diversify your gameplay and discover new strategies and approaches.

Additionally, these missions provide structure to your gaming sessions. With clear objectives and goals to achieve each day and week, you have a roadmap to follow, making your time in Arknights more focused and productive. This structured approach not only facilitates progress but also enhances your overall gaming experience, making each session satisfying and rewarding.

Let’s not forget about the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing missions. Checking off those daily and weekly tasks provides a tangible sense of progress and achievement, boosting your morale and motivation to continue playing. In a game as expansive and challenging as Arknights, these small victories matter and contribute positively to your enjoyment of the game.

In conclusion, don’t underestimate the power of Daily and Weekly Missions in Arknights. These missions are not just a source of valuable rewards but also a guide, a motivator, and a provider of structure and accomplishment in your gaming adventure. Make it a habit to complete these missions regularly, and you’ll set yourself up for a smoother and more enjoyable journey in the world of Arknights!


Wrapping things up, Arknights is a multifaceted game that offers a rich and engaging experience for players who are willing to dive deep into its mechanics and strategies. From understanding your operators to smart upgrading, base building, strategic planning, and completing missions, every aspect of the game requires thought, attention, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

But don’t worry, you’re not alone on this journey! There are plenty of resources available to guide and support you as you navigate through the challenges and triumphs of Arknights. For instance, the Arknights Beginner’s Guide on GamePress is a fantastic starting point for newcomers, providing valuable insights and tips on core gameplay mechanics. If you’re looking for a community of fellow players to share and exchange advice, the Arknights subreddit is a vibrant and welcoming space where you can find discussions, guides, and support from the player community. For specific event guides like the “Fire Within the Sand”, Media Referee has a comprehensive guide to walk you through.

Remember, Arknights is a game that rewards patience and strategy. It’s not just about having the strongest operators but knowing how to use them effectively in tandem with one another and understanding the nuances of each level and challenge the game presents. So, take your time, enjoy the process of learning and growing in the game, and don’t hesitate to seek help and advice from the wealth of resources and communities available.

With the tips and tricks we’ve shared, and with the support of the broader Arknights community, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this enthralling game. So, dive in, start experimenting with strategies, and most importantly, have fun in the captivating world of Arknights! Happy gaming!

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