evony tips and tricks

Best Evony Tips and Tricks: Our Guide to Conquering the Kingdom

Hey there, fellow kingdom builders and strategy lovers! If you’ve landed on this page, chances are you’re as hooked on Evony as we are, or maybe you’re just starting your adventure. Either way, welcome to the club! We’ve been navigating the landscapes, forging alliances, and defending our territories in Evony for quite a while now.

Along the way, we’ve faced challenges, celebrated victories, and learned a ton. And guess what? We thought, why not share our insights and experiences with our fellow gamers? So, whether you’re a newbie looking for a head start or a seasoned player seeking some fresh perspectives, we’ve got you covered. Let’s embark on this journey together and dive into our top tips for mastering Evony!

1. Starting Strong: The Foundation of Your Empire

When we first dipped our toes into the vast world of Evony, we quickly realized that the early game is crucial. Think of it as laying the foundation for a massive, unshakeable empire. Here’s a deeper dive into why and how to start strong:

Building Upgrades: One of the first things we focused on was our Town Center. It’s the heart of your city, and upgrading it unlocks a plethora of other buildings and features. But don’t just stop there! Your resource buildings, like farms and sawmills, are equally vital. The higher their levels, the more resources they produce, ensuring you never run low when expanding or training troops.

Balancing Act: While it’s tempting to rush and upgrade everything, we’ve learned it’s essential to strike a balance. For instance, while you’re working on your Town Center, make sure your defenses aren’t lagging too far behind. You don’t want to be an attractive target for opportunistic attackers.

Quests Are Your Friends: In the early stages, quests serve as a fantastic guide. Not only do they provide direction, but they also offer generous rewards. We made it a point to complete as many as we could, and it gave us a significant boost in resources and progress.

Research: This might seem like something to focus on later, but trust us, early research can give you a competitive edge. Dive into your academy and start researching technologies that complement your playstyle and strategy.

In essence, the beginning of your Evony journey sets the tone for the rest of your game. Invest time, strategize, and lay a robust foundation. Your future self will thank you for it!

2. Location, Location, Location: The Art of Strategic Placement

Ah, the age-old mantra of real estate applies just as much in the world of Evony as it does in our real world. Picking the right spot for your city isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic move that can make or break your game. Here’s why location matters and how to choose wisely:

Resource Tiles: One of the first things we noticed when scouting for a city location was the abundance (or lack) of resource tiles. Being near multiple resource tiles, like farms, lumber mills, and quarries, can be a game-changer. It means faster resource gathering, which in turn speeds up your city’s growth. We always recommend setting up shop near a mix of these tiles to ensure a steady flow of all essential resources.

Defensive Positioning: While resources are crucial, so is safety. We’ve found that placing our city near natural barriers, like mountains or water bodies, can offer an added layer of protection. It limits the directions from which enemies can approach, giving you a defensive edge.

Proximity to Allies: If you’re in an alliance (and you should be!), consider the location of your allies. Being close to them can be beneficial for mutual protection, resource sharing, and faster reinforcement during battles. We’ve had instances where being near allies turned the tide of a battle in our favor.

Scouting Potential Threats: Before settling down, we always scout the surrounding areas for potential threats. Are there aggressive players nearby? Is a powerful alliance dominating the region? Knowing what you’re up against can help you decide if it’s a good spot or if it’s better to look elsewhere.

Relocation: If you find that your initial location isn’t serving you well, don’t fret! In Evony, you can relocate your city. We’ve done it a couple of times, especially when our strategy evolved or when the neighborhood got a bit too hostile for our liking.

In a nutshell, your city’s location in Evony is more than just a spot on the map. It’s a strategic decision that influences your resource acquisition, defense strategy, and overall gameplay. So, take a moment, scout around, and choose a location that aligns with your game plan.

3. Join an Alliance: Strength in Numbers

When we first ventured into Evony, like many players, we thought, “Hey, maybe we can go solo and build our empire independently.” But boy, were we in for a surprise! Joining an alliance isn’t just a side feature; it’s a core part of the game that offers a multitude of benefits. Here’s why teaming up is the way to go:

Shared Resources: One of the immediate perks we noticed when joining an alliance was the ability to share resources. Whether we were running low on wood or needed some extra troops, our alliance members were there to lend a helping hand. It’s a two-way street, though. We made sure to return the favor whenever our allies were in need.

Protection from Attacks: Let’s face it, there’s strength in numbers. When we were part of an alliance, potential attackers often thought twice before launching an assault. Why? Because attacking one member meant potentially facing the wrath of the entire alliance. It’s a safety net that we’ve come to appreciate.

Speeding Up Progress: In Evony, time is of the essence. Whether you’re constructing a building or researching a new technology, everything takes time. But here’s the cool part: within an alliance, members can help speed up each other’s progress. We’ve shaved off hours, even days, from our timers, all thanks to our alliance buddies.

Strategic Collaborations: Two heads are better than one, and in the case of Evony, dozens of heads are even better! Being in an alliance allowed us to strategize, plan joint attacks, and defend collectively. We’ve had some epic battles where our coordinated efforts made all the difference.

Social Aspect: Beyond the strategic benefits, joining an alliance added a social dimension to our Evony experience. We’ve made friends, shared laughs, and even learned from seasoned players who offered invaluable advice. It transformed the game from a solo endeavor to a communal adventure.

In summary, while it’s possible to play Evony solo, we’ve found that being part of an alliance enriches the experience manifold. It offers protection, accelerates progress, and adds a layer of camaraderie that makes the game even more enjoyable. So, if you’re on the fence about joining an alliance, we say, take the plunge! You won’t regret it.

4. Defense is Key: Building a Fortress, Not Just a City

We’ve all heard the saying, “The best offense is a good defense.” And in the world of Evony, this couldn’t be truer. While it’s thrilling to expand territories and conquer new lands, we quickly realized that without a solid defense, all our hard work could crumble in an instant. Here’s how we fortified our city and ensured it stood tall against any threat:

Upgrading Walls: The first line of defense in any city is its walls. We made it a priority to upgrade our walls regularly. Higher-level walls not only have more hit points but also come with added defensive capabilities, like traps and turrets. These can deter or even repel attackers before they breach the city.

Diversify Your Troops: It’s tempting to focus on building a massive army of one type of unit, but we found that a diverse mix of troops works best for defense. Archers, cavalry, infantry – each has its strengths and weaknesses. By having a balanced mix, we ensured that our city was prepared for any kind of attacking force.

Scout Regularly: Knowledge is power. We made it a habit to scout our surroundings frequently. By keeping an eye on neighboring cities and their troop movements, we could anticipate potential threats and prepare accordingly.

Hide Your Resources: There were times when, despite our best efforts, we knew an incoming attack was too powerful to repel. In such cases, we used our warehouses to protect our resources. By upgrading warehouses and ensuring they were full, we minimized our losses during raids.

Strategic Building Placement: The layout of our city played a crucial role in its defense. We placed our most valuable buildings, like the Town Center and barracks, deep within the city, surrounded by walls and defensive structures. This forced attackers to navigate a maze of defenses before reaching their target.

Alliance Reinforcements: Remember tip 3 about joining an alliance? Well, here’s another perk. Whenever we felt threatened, we could request reinforcements from our alliance members. These additional troops bolstered our defenses and often tipped the scales in our favor during battles.

In essence, while expanding and attacking are exciting aspects of Evony, a solid defense is the backbone of any successful city. By investing time and resources into fortifying our city, we ensured that our empire remained resilient against any adversary. So, as you build and grow, always keep an eye on your defenses. It’s the foundation upon which lasting empires are built!

5. Scout Before You Attack: Knowledge is Your Best Weapon

Ah, the thrill of battle! We’ve had our fair share of conquests in Evony, but if there’s one lesson we’ve learned, it’s this: never go in blind. Before launching any attack, scouting is a must. Here’s why this simple step can make a world of difference in your military endeavors:

Know Your Enemy: Scouting gives you a detailed report of what you’re up against. From the number of troops and their types to the city’s defenses and resource stockpile, you’ll have a clear picture. We’ve often adjusted our attack strategy based on this intel, ensuring we have the right mix of troops to counter the enemy’s defenses.

Avoid Unnecessary Losses: We’ve seen it happen – players launching massive attacks only to face heavy losses because they underestimated their opponent. Scouting helps prevent such blunders. By knowing the strength of the enemy, we could decide if an attack was worth it or if it was better to wait and strengthen our forces.

Resource Raids: If you’re looking to raid a city for resources, scouting is invaluable. The scout report will tell you how much of each resource the city has. We’ve used this information to target cities rich in resources we needed, ensuring our raids were always fruitful.

Anticipate Reinforcements: One of the subtle benefits of scouting is gauging the potential for enemy reinforcements. If a city is part of a strong alliance, there’s a good chance they’ll receive backup during an attack. Scouting can give you insights into the city’s alliance strength and activity, allowing you to prepare for possible reinforcements.

Psychological Warfare: Believe it or not, scouting isn’t just about gathering information; it’s also a psychological tactic. When a city gets scouted, the player knows someone has their eyes on them. It can put them on edge, make them overcommit to defenses, or even push them to relocate. We’ve used scouting as a way to keep potential threats in check, ensuring they’re always looking over their shoulder.

In a nutshell, while it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of battle, a successful warrior is also a smart one. Scouting is a simple yet effective tool in your Evony arsenal. It provides valuable insights, minimizes risks, and maximizes rewards. So, before you march your troops into the unknown, send out those scouts and arm yourself with knowledge!

Wrapping It Up: Our Journey Through Evony’s Kingdoms

And there you have it, our deep dive into the world of Evony. From laying the foundation of a powerful city to mastering the art of war, we’ve shared our experiences, triumphs, and lessons learned. But remember, every player’s journey in Evony is unique. While our tips can guide you, it’s your strategy, decisions, and alliances that will shape your path in this vast kingdom.

If you’re hungry for more insights and strategies, there are plenty of resources out there. Here are a few we’ve found super helpful:

  • Pocket Tactics’ Guide to Evony: This comprehensive guide covers everything from the basics to advanced strategies. It’s a great starting point for both newbies and seasoned players.

  • Evony Guide Wiki: This wiki is a treasure trove of information. From timely events to in-depth articles on generals and strategies, it’s a must-visit for any Evony enthusiast.

  • The Ultimate Evony Guide: Another fantastic resource that delves deep into the game’s mechanics, offering expert tips and tricks to help you conquer your enemies and build a thriving city.

In the end, Evony is a game of strategy, patience, and camaraderie. Whether you’re building a city from scratch, forging powerful alliances, or leading your troops into epic battles, the journey is filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. So, gear up, dive in, and may your empire stand the test of time. Happy gaming!

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