marvel contest of champions tips and tricks

Best Tips and Tricks for Dominating Marvel Contest of Champions

Hey there, fellow gamers! So, you’ve downloaded Marvel Contest of Champions, and you’re ready to dive into the Marvel Universe like never before. We get it – we’ve been there, and the excitement is real! From the thrill of assembling a powerful team of champions to the adrenaline rush of intense battles, this game has kept us glued to our screens for hours on end. But, as with any game, there’s a learning curve.

Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned player looking for an edge, we’ve got your back. Over time, we’ve gathered a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and strategies that have helped us climb the ranks and become formidable players. And guess what? We’re here to share all that knowledge with you. So, buckle up and get ready to embark on an epic journey with us as we unveil the secrets to mastering Marvel Contest of Champions on both Android and iOS.

1. Getting Started: Choose Your Champions Wisely

When you first boot up Marvel Contest of Champions, the sheer number of characters available can be both exhilarating and a tad overwhelming. We’ve been there, staring at the screen, wondering which champion to pick. While it’s tempting to go with your heart and choose your all-time favorite Marvel hero, there’s a strategy to consider.

Different champions come with unique abilities and strengths. Some are great for long-range attacks, while others excel in close combat. Then there are those with killer special moves that can turn the tide of battle in an instant. We’ve learned that it’s essential to have a balanced team that can handle various challenges and opponents.

Another thing to keep in mind is the class of your champions. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses against other classes. For instance, Cosmic champions have an advantage over Tech champions but are weaker against Mystic champions. It’s a bit like a game of rock-paper-scissors. So, when we’re building our initial roster, we aim for diversity to ensure we’re prepared for any matchup.

Lastly, as you progress in the game, you’ll earn more champions through crystals and rewards. While it’s fun to have a vast collection, we recommend focusing on a select few in the beginning. Level them up, understand their abilities, and get comfortable with their fighting styles. This way, you’ll have a strong core team that can take on tougher challenges as you advance.

2. Energy Matters: Use It or Lose It

Energy in Marvel Contest of Champions isn’t just a resource; it’s the lifeblood that keeps our gaming journey moving forward. Every quest we embark on, every path we choose, it all consumes energy. And while it might seem like we have an endless supply at first, we quickly realized that efficient energy management is crucial to making steady progress in the game.

First things first, energy refills over time. But here’s the catch: if your energy bar is full, it won’t regenerate any further. We’ve made the mistake of letting it sit at max capacity, thinking we were “saving” it for later, only to realize we were missing out on potential energy points. It’s like having a battery that stops charging once it’s full. So, our mantra? Keep it below max to ensure it’s always refilling.

Now, while it’s essential to use energy, it’s equally crucial to use it wisely. We’ve found that planning our quests and battles ahead of time helps. Instead of randomly jumping into any available quest, we prioritize those that offer the best rewards or are crucial for our progression. This way, we get the most bang for our energy buck.

Another tip we swear by is keeping an eye out for energy refills and energy boosts. These handy items can be earned through various in-game events or even purchased from the store. Having a few in our inventory has saved us during those intense gaming sessions when we’re on a roll and don’t want to wait for a natural refill.

Lastly, remember that energy management becomes even more critical as you advance in the game. Higher-level quests consume more energy per step, so strategizing becomes paramount. But with a bit of planning and a keen eye on that energy bar, we’ve found that we can navigate the Contest of Champions landscape with ease.

3. Questing: Explore, Explore, Explore

Questing is more than just a series of battles in Marvel Contest of Champions; it’s the heart and soul of the game. It’s where we uncover the story, earn rewards, and truly test the mettle of our champions. And while it’s tempting to speed through quests to get to the end, we’ve discovered that the real magic lies in exploration.

Every quest map is like a maze, filled with multiple paths, hidden corners, and surprise encounters. At first, we used to take the most straightforward route, aiming for that quick completion. But then, we realized we were missing out on so much! By not exploring every nook and cranny, we were leaving behind valuable rewards, experience points, and even some epic battles.

So, our new approach? 100% exploration. Yes, it takes more time, and yes, it consumes more energy, but the payoff is immense. Not only do we rack up more rewards, but we also get a deeper understanding of the game’s storyline and mechanics. Plus, there’s a certain satisfaction in knowing we’ve conquered every challenge a quest has to offer.

Another thing we’ve noticed is that some paths in a quest are harder than others. These challenging routes often guard the most valuable rewards. So, while it’s tempting to avoid them, especially when our champions are low on health, we see them as opportunities. They’re our chance to test our skills, try out new strategies, and truly push our champions to their limits.

Lastly, don’t forget about event quests! These limited-time quests offer unique rewards and storylines, making them a must-play. We always keep an eye on the event calendar and set aside time to dive into these special quests. They’re a great way to break the routine and experience something new in the game.

4. Team Building: Synergy is the Secret Sauce

When we first started assembling our teams in Marvel Contest of Champions, we thought it was all about gathering the strongest champions. But boy, were we in for a surprise! We soon discovered that while individual strength is essential, the real power lies in synergy. It’s like putting together a puzzle; each piece might be beautiful on its own, but when they fit together perfectly, they create a masterpiece.

Synergy bonuses are those sweet little extras you get when certain champions are paired together on a team. Think of it as the chemistry between characters. For instance, pairing up Iron Man and War Machine or Wolverine and Cyclops can unlock special bonuses that boost their abilities. These bonuses can range from increased attack power to faster power gain, and they can make a significant difference in battles.

So, how do we make the most of these synergies? First, we always check the synergy tab in a champion’s profile. It gives us a clear idea of which other champions they gel with. Then, when building our team for a quest or a battle, we try to incorporate as many of these synergistic pairs as possible.

But here’s a pro tip: don’t get too hung up on chasing synergy bonuses at the expense of team balance. While synergies are fantastic, it’s also essential to have a well-rounded team that can handle various opponents and challenges. We’ve found that a mix of classes and abilities, combined with a few solid synergy bonuses, is the recipe for success.

Another thing we love about synergies? They add depth to the game’s lore. It’s always fun to see which characters have a history together, whether they’re allies, rivals, or mentor-mentee pairs. It adds an extra layer of storytelling that we can’t get enough of.

5. Upgrading Champions: Focus on the Favorites

In the vast universe of Marvel Contest of Champions, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of collecting as many champions as possible. We’ve been there, gleefully adding new heroes and villains to our roster. But as our collection grew, we faced a new challenge: who to upgrade and when?

Upgrading champions is essential. It boosts their stats, making them more formidable in battles and quests. But here’s the thing: resources like ISO-8, gold, and catalysts are limited. We can’t upgrade everyone, so we had to be strategic.

Our first piece of advice? Focus on your favorites, but not necessarily your favorite Marvel characters. Instead, concentrate on the champions you find yourself using the most in battles. These are the ones that align best with your playing style and have proven their worth in the arena.

Next, consider the champion’s potential. Some champions, even if they start with lower stats, have incredible growth potential. By investing in them early on, we’ve seen them transform into powerhouses that dominate in advanced quests and battles.

Don’t forget about class balance. While it’s tempting to pour all resources into champions of a particular class that we love, we’ve found it beneficial to maintain a balanced roster. Different quests and opponents require varied class strengths, so having upgraded champions across all classes ensures we’re always prepared.

Lastly, keep an eye out for duped champions. When you get a duplicate of a champion you already own, it awakens their signature ability, making them even more potent. We’ve often prioritized upgrading these duped champions, as their enhanced abilities can be game-changers in tight situations.


In the grand arena of Marvel Contest of Champions, it’s not just about having the most champions or the strongest ones; it’s about strategy, synergy, and making the most of the resources at hand. We’ve shared some of our top tips, but remember, every player’s journey is unique. What works for one might not work for another. The key is to experiment, learn from each battle, and continuously refine your strategy.

If you’re hungry for more insights and strategies, there are some fantastic resources out there that we’ve found super helpful:

  1. IGN’s Marvel Contest of Champions Guide – A comprehensive walkthrough that covers everything from the basics to advanced strategies. Dive in here.

  2. MCOC Guide – This blog is a goldmine of information, with videos, alliance quest maps, champion insights, and more. Check it out here.

  3. Frontline: MCOC – Another fantastic resource that offers in-depth guides on various aspects of the game, from beginner-level basics to champion-specific strategies. Dive deeper here.

In the end, Marvel Contest of Champions is a game of passion, strategy, and camaraderie. Whether you’re battling it out in the arena, strategizing with your alliance, or simply enjoying the rich Marvel lore, remember to have fun. After all, at the heart of it, it’s a game, and games are meant to be enjoyed. So, suit up, assemble your team, and may the odds be ever in your favor in the Contest!

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