genshin impact tips and tricks

Top 5 Genshin Impact Tips and Tricks

Hey there, fellow travelers! If you’ve recently set foot into the enchanting realm of Teyvat in Genshin Impact, you’re probably as hooked as we are. This game is a mesmerizing blend of stunning visuals, captivating stories, and thrilling battles, all available at your fingertips on Android and iOS devices. As we’ve journeyed through its expansive landscapes, battled formidable foes, and uncovered hidden treasures, we’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience. And because gaming is more fun when shared, we thought it would be awesome to pass on some of the cool tips and tricks we’ve learned.

These are simple yet effective strategies that have made our gaming sessions more enjoyable and successful. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to sharpen your skills, these insights will help you navigate the challenges and mysteries of Teyvat with confidence and ease. So, grab your device, gather your characters, and join us as we explore the many wonders and secrets of Genshin Impact!

1. Mastering the Elements

Understanding the Elemental system in Genshin Impact is absolutely crucial for success, and it’s one of the first things we got the hang of during our adventures in Teyvat. Each character you’ll encounter and eventually recruit into your team possesses a unique Elemental affinity, which not only defines their abilities but also plays a significant role in battles.

Elemental reactions happen when two different elements interact with each other. For example, if you use a character with a Hydro (water) ability and then quickly switch to another character with an Electro (electric) ability, you’ll trigger an Electro-Charged reaction. This reaction deals extra damage over time to enemies, giving you an edge in combat.

But the fun doesn’t stop there! There are several different Elemental reactions possible, each with its own set of effects and damage types. Learning how these reactions work and using them strategically can turn the tide of battle in your favor. It’s all about experimenting with different character combinations and finding what works best for different situations.

Another tip we can offer is to pay attention to the environment. Sometimes, the game world itself can contribute to Elemental reactions. For instance, if it’s raining, enemies will be naturally wet, making them more susceptible to Electro-Charged reactions without you having to use a Hydro ability first.

Lastly, don’t forget to upgrade your characters’ Elemental talents as you progress. These upgrades can enhance the effectiveness of Elemental reactions, making your team even more powerful and versatile in combat. With a bit of practice and a keen understanding of the Elemental system, you’ll be orchestrating symphonies of destruction in no time!

2. Daily Commissions are Your Friends

Daily Commissions are like little gifts that keep on giving. These are short, straightforward missions assigned to you on a daily basis, and trust us, you won’t want to miss out on them. Each day, you’ll receive four of these tasks, and they range from defeating a specific number of enemies to collecting certain items.

First off, let’s talk about the rewards. Completing Daily Commissions provides you with Primogems, the premium currency in Genshin Impact. We all know how precious Primogems are, as they are used for making wishes to unlock new characters and weapons. Accumulating enough of them without spending real money can be a grind, but thanks to Daily Commissions, earning Primogems becomes a bit easier and more consistent.

But that’s not all you get. Daily Commissions also reward you with Adventure EXP, which helps you increase your Adventure Rank. A higher Adventure Rank means access to more of the game’s content, including new quests, areas, and dungeons. So, by doing these tasks, you’re not only getting valuable currency but also actively progressing in the game.

The beauty of Daily Commissions lies in their simplicity. These missions are usually quick and easy to complete, taking up only a small chunk of your gaming time. This makes them perfect for days when you’re too busy for extended play but still want to make some progress in Genshin Impact.

Lastly, after finishing all four Daily Commissions, make sure to visit the Adventurers’ Guild. They’ll give you a bonus reward for your diligence, and who doesn’t love extra loot? In the grand scheme of your adventure, these daily tasks significantly contribute to strengthening your characters and expanding your in-game resources, making your journey through Teyvat smoother and more enjoyable.

3. Explore, Explore, Explore

Teyvat is a vast and breathtaking world filled with hidden treasures, secret quests, and unexpected adventures waiting at every turn. Exploration is at the heart of Genshin Impact, and taking the time to venture off the beaten path can be incredibly rewarding.

Firstly, there are chests scattered all around the world, each containing valuable items like weapons, artifacts, and currency. These chests come in different rarities, with the more elusive ones holding more valuable loot. We’ve found that keeping an eye out for these chests and taking the time to open them significantly boosts our resources.

But chests aren’t the only treasures hidden in the landscape. As you explore, you’ll also stumble upon collectibles like Anemoculus and Geoculus. These are essential for upgrading the Statues of The Seven, which not only increases your maximum stamina but also provides you with Adventure EXP and Primogems. So, it’s definitely worth taking the time to seek out and collect these valuable items.

Exploration also leads to discovery of hidden quests and secret locations. Some of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences we’ve had in the game have come from stumbling upon a hidden quest or discovering a secret area. These often provide unique challenges and rewards, adding depth and excitement to the gameplay.

Don’t forget to use your Adventurer’s Handbook either. It’s an invaluable tool that guides you towards various activities, challenges, and treasures. The Handbook helps you keep track of your progress and points you in the direction of uncompleted tasks and undiscovered locations.

Lastly, take in the scenery! Teyvat is a beautifully designed world, with each region boasting a unique aesthetic and atmosphere. From the serene and lush Mondstadt to the culturally rich and vibrant Liyue, there’s so much beauty to see and appreciate.

So, in between your quests and battles, take the time to explore the world around you. You never know what secrets and treasures you might find hidden in the game’s expansive and stunning world.

4. Keep an Eye on Your Stamina

Stamina in Genshin Impact is like the energy your characters have to perform various actions, and managing it wisely is crucial for smooth gameplay. Whether you’re climbing towering cliffs, gliding across scenic valleys, or sprinting away from danger, stamina is what keeps you going.

First things first, always keep an eye on the stamina bar. It depletes as you perform strenuous actions, and once it’s empty, you’ll need to wait for it to refill. Running out of stamina mid-climb or mid-glide can be disastrous, often resulting in your character falling and potentially meeting an untimely end.

Now, let’s talk about increasing your stamina. Throughout Teyvat, you’ll find Anemoculus and Geoculus items. Collecting these and offering them to the Statues of The Seven not only heals your characters but also permanently increases your stamina. We’ve made it a priority to search for these valuable items as they make exploration and combat significantly easier.

Understanding when to use stamina is also key. For instance, when climbing, you might be tempted to use the jump action to ascend faster. However, jumping consumes more stamina than regular climbing. Learning to pace your actions and use stamina-efficient methods is crucial, especially when traversing challenging terrains.

In battles, some characters have abilities that use stamina. Being mindful of your stamina consumption during fights ensures you have enough energy to dodge enemy attacks or make a quick retreat if things get dicey. It’s all about balancing offense and defense, and stamina plays a big role in that.

Lastly, there are foods and items in the game that can help with stamina management. Some dishes temporarily increase your stamina or reduce the amount of stamina consumed by actions. Learning to cook and utilize these items can provide a much-needed boost during your adventures.

In the grand adventure that is Genshin Impact, stamina is a small but vital aspect that influences your experience. By managing it effectively, you ensure that your journey through the magical world of Teyvat is enjoyable and free of unnecessary hurdles.

5. Upgrade Your Characters Wisely

Genshin Impact boasts a diverse and colorful roster of characters, each with unique abilities and playstyles. While it’s tempting to upgrade all of them, resources in the game are limited. Hence, strategic planning and prioritization are key when it comes to character upgrades.

Firstly, focus on building a balanced team. It’s essential to have a group of characters that complement each other’s abilities and elements. We usually start by upgrading a character from each element to ensure we can handle various enemy types and elemental reactions effectively. This approach provides flexibility in battles and allows us to tackle different challenges with ease.

Next, consider the roles of your characters. Characters in Genshin Impact can be broadly categorized into DPS (damage dealers), healers, and support. A well-rounded team should have at least one character of each role. Prioritize upgrading your main DPS first, as they’ll be the ones dealing the most damage to enemies. Then, work on your support and healer characters to enhance their abilities and survivability.

Don’t forget about weapons and artifacts. These items significantly influence a character’s performance in battles. Invest in upgrading the weapons of your main characters and equipping them with artifacts that boost their strengths or mitigate their weaknesses. Sometimes, the right weapon or artifact can make a huge difference in your character’s effectiveness.

Also, pay attention to the talents of your characters. Talents provide additional effects and bonuses to your character’s abilities. Upgrading talents enhances these effects, making your characters even more potent in battles. However, talent upgrade materials are scarce, so be selective and upgrade the talents that align with each character’s role and your overall strategy.

Lastly, be mindful of the resources. Experience materials, Mora (in-game currency), and upgrade materials are finite. It’s easy to run out of these resources if you upgrade characters indiscriminately. We recommend focusing on a core team of characters first, then gradually working on others as you accumulate more resources.

By upgrading your characters wisely and strategically, you’ll build a team that is not only powerful but also capable of facing the myriad challenges that the world of Teyvat throws at you. With a strong and well-balanced team, you’re well on your way to becoming a master traveler in Genshin Impact!


Embarking on the adventure that is Genshin Impact is a thrilling experience, and with the tips and tricks we’ve shared, you’re now better equipped to navigate through the mesmerizing world of Teyvat. Remember, mastering the elements, completing daily commissions, exploring every corner, managing stamina, and upgrading characters wisely are the keys to a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience.

But the learning doesn’t stop here! The game is vast, and there’s always more to discover and understand. For more in-depth information and advanced strategies, consider checking out these helpful resources:

  • For detailed character builds and strategies, visit This site provides a list of the best builds for every character, helping you optimize each member of your team for maximum performance.

  • New to the game? TheGamer’s Complete Guide to Genshin Impact is a fantastic resource. It covers everything from the basics to more advanced mechanics, providing a comprehensive overview of what the game has to offer.

  • If you’re looking to understand which characters pack the most punch, GameRiv’s DPS Characters Tier-List is worth a read. It ranks the top DPS characters in the game, giving you insights into who you might want to have on your team for dealing damage.

So, fellow travelers, with these tips, tricks, and resources at your disposal, you’re all set to dive deeper into the magical and challenging world of Genshin Impact. Happy gaming, and may your adventures in Teyvat be ever exciting and rewarding!

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