pubg mobile tips and tricks

7 Best PUBG Mobile Tips and Tricks on Android & iOS

Hey folks! If you’ve landed here, chances are you’re as hooked on PUBG Mobile as we are, or perhaps you’re just taking your first steps into the exhilarating world of battle royales. Either way, you’re in for a treat! PUBG Mobile has taken the gaming world by storm, offering an immersive experience that keeps players coming back for more. It’s a wild, thrilling ride from the moment you parachute onto that island, and we all know the sheer joy that comes with outlasting dozens of other players to claim a chicken dinner.

But, whether you’re a newbie finding your feet or a seasoned player looking to sharpen your skills, there’s always room for improvement. That’s where we come in! We’ve spent countless hours navigating the treacherous terrains, mastering the weapons, and devising strategies to survive and thrive in the game. And now, we’re here to share some simple, effective tips and tricks to help you not just play, but dominate.

So, buckle up as we dive into a guide designed to help you unleash your inner warrior and enjoy more victories on the battleground!

1. Know Your Drop Zones

Selecting the right drop zone is crucial for a strong start in PUBG Mobile. The map is vast, with numerous potential landing spots, each with its unique characteristics and loot possibilities.

Firstly, let’s talk about hot drop zones. These are areas where you’ll likely encounter high player traffic due to the abundance of loot available. Popular spots like Pochinki, School, or Sosnovka Military Base are often teeming with players vying for the best gear. While landing here can equip you with top-tier loot early in the game, it also significantly increases the risk of early elimination due to the intense competition.

On the flip side, we have the cold drop zones. These are less popular areas on the map, often overlooked by many players. Landing in these spots, like Zharki, Kameshki, or Primorsk, usually means fewer immediate threats and more time to gear up and strategize. The loot might not be as abundant or high-tier as in hot zones, but the reduced player density can offer a more stable start, allowing you to progress further into the game.

Then there’s the calculated approach. If we’re not into taking extreme risks but still want decent loot, consider landing in areas near popular spots. This way, we can avoid the initial chaos while still having access to good gear. Once we’re ready, we can cautiously approach the hot zones, taking down surviving players and snagging their loot.

Ultimately, the best drop zone depends on our preferred playstyle. If we thrive on adrenaline and are confident in our combat skills, hot drop zones might be the way to go. But if we prefer a more strategic and cautious approach to the game, opting for cold drop zones or areas on the outskirts of hot zones can be a wise choice.

Remember, the goal is to be the last player or team standing, and choosing the right drop zone is the first step towards that glorious chicken dinner. So, assess the risk, consider your strategy, and choose wisely!

2. Master the Controls

Getting a grip on the controls is fundamental to our success in PUBG Mobile. The game offers a set of default controls, but the beauty lies in the customization options available, allowing us to tailor the controls to our comfort and playstyle.

First off, let’s familiarize ourselves with the basic controls. The left side of the screen is generally dedicated to movement, while the right side is for aiming and shooting. Buttons for reloading, changing weapons, and accessing inventory are also located on the right. Understanding the layout is the first step to becoming adept at navigating and fighting in the game.

Now, let’s dive into customization. PUBG Mobile allows us to modify the size, position, and transparency of every button on the screen. We recommend spending some time in the settings to tweak the controls. Adjust the button layout so that it feels intuitive and comfortable. For instance, if we find ourselves struggling to reach the shoot button in the heat of battle, let’s move it to a more accessible location.

Another crucial aspect is sensitivity settings. Sensitivity determines how quickly the game responds to our swipes and taps. High sensitivity might make aiming difficult, while low sensitivity may cause us to react too slowly. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where our movements on the screen translate into precise, swift actions in the game.

For players who prefer using scopes for long-range engagements, adjusting the scope sensitivity is vital. Each scope has a different sensitivity setting, allowing us to customize how fast or slow the crosshair moves when we’re aiming down sights. This level of customization ensures that we can aim accurately, whether we’re sniping from afar or engaged in close-quarter combat.

Don’t forget to explore advanced features like gyroscope controls. When enabled, we can aim by physically moving our device. It might take some getting used to, but many players find it offers superior accuracy and control once mastered.

Lastly, practice makes perfect. After tweaking the controls, jump into a few matches to test out the new setup. It might feel awkward at first, but with time, the layout will become second nature, allowing us to focus on strategy and gameplay rather than fumbling with buttons.

By taking the time to master and customize the controls, we set a solid foundation for improved performance and greater enjoyment in PUBG Mobile. Whether we’re sprinting across fields, driving vehicles, or engaging in intense firefights, having controls that feel just right can make all the difference in the world.

3. Stay Quiet, Stay Alive

Sound plays a pivotal role in PUBG Mobile, providing crucial information about the environment and the movements of enemies around us. Learning how to navigate the soundscape of the game is key to staying alive and securing victories.

Firstly, let’s address the importance of sound for detection. Footsteps, gunshots, vehicle noises, and even the subtle sound of reloading weapons can give away the position of other players. By paying close attention to these audio cues, we can gain a better understanding of what’s happening around us, allowing us to make informed decisions on whether to engage, hide, or flee.

Now, while we use sound to our advantage, it’s crucial to manage the noise we make as well. Moving quietly can often be the difference between life and death in PUBG Mobile. When we walk or run, we generate footsteps sounds that can be heard by others. To minimize noise, consider crouching or going prone. Not only does this reduce our sound output, but it also makes us a smaller target for enemies.

But there are times when silence isn’t an option, like when we need to cover large distances quickly. In such cases, be mindful of the terrain. Running on different surfaces produces distinct sounds; for example, footsteps are louder on wood and metal compared to grass or carpet. Use this knowledge to choose routes that minimize noise exposure, keeping us stealthy and harder to pinpoint.

Equipping ourselves with a good pair of headphones is non-negotiable. Headphones provide a more immersive and detailed sound experience, allowing us to better identify the direction and distance of noises. With headphones on, we can more accurately locate enemies, anticipate their movements, and plan our actions accordingly.

Lastly, let’s not forget about in-game sound settings. PUBG Mobile offers various audio options, including adjusting the volume of different sound types. We might want to tweak these settings to emphasize important sounds like footsteps while reducing the volume of less crucial noises. Experiment with the settings to find a balance that works for us, enhancing our awareness and reaction time in the game.

By mastering the art of sound in PUBG Mobile, we not only protect ourselves but also gain a strategic advantage over opponents. Whether it’s sneaking up for a surprise attack or evading a looming threat, moving quietly and attentively listening to our surroundings can significantly boost our chances of survival and success.

4. Keep an Eye on the Map

The minimap in PUBG Mobile is a treasure trove of information, acting as our eyes and ears on the battlefield. It’s not just about showing the terrain; the minimap provides real-time data that can be crucial for our survival and strategy.

Firstly, understanding the color-coded indicators on the minimap is essential. Red zones, for instance, are areas that will be bombarded, so we need to avoid them or seek shelter. The minimap also shows the safe zone (white circle) and the blue zone. Staying within the safe zone is crucial as the blue zone shrinks over time, dealing damage to players caught in it.

Another vital feature of the minimap is the sound indicator. Whenever gunshots, footsteps, or vehicle noises are detected, they are represented by orange icons on the minimap. These indicators help us identify the direction and proximity of potential threats or action. For example, if we see gunshot indicators, it means there’s a battle unfolding, giving us the option to engage or steer clear.

The minimap also helps with navigation. It displays the terrain, roads, and major landmarks, assisting us in planning our routes and movements. If we’re aiming for stealth, we can use the minimap to avoid popular areas likely to attract other players. Alternatively, if we’re on the hunt, the minimap guides us towards potential hotspots.

Don’t forget to use markers on the minimap effectively, especially when playing in a team. Placing markers helps coordinate movements and strategies with teammates. For instance, we can mark loot locations, enemy sightings, or rendezvous points, facilitating better communication and collaboration with our squad.

Zooming in and out of the minimap provides different levels of detail. Sometimes, we need a close-up view to navigate through complex terrains like cities or forests. Other times, a zoomed-out perspective is better for planning long-distance movements or getting a sense of the overall game situation.

Lastly, always be aware of the minimap during the endgame. As the safe zone shrinks, player density increases, leading to more encounters and conflicts. Keeping an eye on the minimap during these tense moments can provide valuable information, helping us make split-second decisions that could lead to victory.

By actively using and interpreting the minimap, we gain a deeper understanding of the battlefield, allowing us to navigate more effectively, anticipate threats, and execute strategies that enhance our chances of grabbing that coveted chicken dinner.

5. Loot Smart

Looting efficiently is a game-changer in PUBG Mobile. While it’s tempting to grab everything in sight, smart looting ensures we have what we need without being bogged down or missing out on essential items.

Firstly, prioritize weapons. Having a good mix of weapons is crucial for different combat scenarios. Typically, we’d want a reliable assault rifle for mid-range engagements and a sniper or DMR for long-distance shots. A shotgun or SMG can also be handy for close-quarter battles. Remember, it’s not just about having powerful weapons, but also ones that suit our playstyle and the situation.

Next, ammo is vital but heavy. We should only pick up ammo for the weapons we have or plan to use. Carrying excess ammo not only takes up space but also slows us down, making it harder to maneuver quickly in tight situations. Be selective with ammo, and don’t hesitate to drop some if we need room for other essential items.

Healing items are non-negotiable. Always have a stack of first aid kits, bandages, and boost items like energy drinks or painkillers. These items are crucial for recovering health during or after engagements. However, balance is key; having too many healing items can limit space for other necessary gear.

Protective gear, like helmets and vests, is also a must-have. They provide additional defense, reducing the damage we take from enemy fire. Always opt for higher-level gear when you find it, as it offers better protection. And keep an eye on their durability; damaged gear won’t offer much defense, so replace it when possible.

Grenades can be game-changers, so having a few in our inventory can be beneficial. Smoke grenades create visual cover, allowing us to revive teammates or reposition without being seen. Frag grenades are excellent for flushing out enemies from cover, while Molotov cocktails can block paths or damage multiple foes in an area.

Lastly, be quick and decisive. Time spent looting is time we’re vulnerable. Develop a system or routine for looting efficiently, grabbing what we need and moving on. Being stationary makes us easy targets, so let’s keep it swift and smooth.

By looting smart, we set ourselves up for success in PUBG Mobile. With the right gear and resources at our disposal, we’re better prepared to take on whatever the battleground throws at us, increasing our chances of survival and victory.


With these tips in our arsenal, we’re ready to take on the battleground and claim victory. Remember, PUBG Mobile is a game, so let’s have fun and enjoy the process of improving and winning. Each game is a learning experience, and with every match, we come out a little wiser and stronger. Whether it’s mastering the controls, moving stealthily, or choosing the right drop zone, every aspect of the game offers an opportunity to learn and grow.

For those eager to dive deeper into advanced strategies and tips, there are plenty of resources available online to guide us further. For instance, XDA Developers offers over 20 tips and tricks to help master PUBG Mobile, providing valuable insights to improve gameplay. Similarly, Android Authority has a comprehensive guide on surviving in the game, detailing the best guns, vehicles, and more to help secure that Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. For those looking for a variety of tips to stay alive and claim victory, Games Radar provides nine essential tips for players of all levels.

So, buckle up, fellow gamers! With practice, teamwork, and a bit of strategy, we’ll not only enjoy the game more but also see those chicken dinners rolling in more frequently. Let’s drop in, gear up, and give it our best shot on the battlefield. Happy gaming!

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