rise of kingdoms

5 Awesome Rise of Kingdoms Tips and Tricks – Android / iOS

Hey there fellow gamers! So, if you’re anything like us, you’ve probably found yourself diving deep into the world of Rise of Kingdoms on your trusty Android or iOS device. It’s one of those games that just grabs you, right? The vibrant landscapes, the thrill of battles, and the joy of building an empire from scratch. But let’s be honest, while it’s super addictive and fun, there are moments when we’re left scratching our heads, wondering how to get that edge.

Maybe you’ve been there too? That’s why we decided to put our heads together and share some of the coolest tips and tricks we’ve discovered along the way. Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned player looking for a fresh perspective, we’ve got you covered. So, grab your favorite snack, settle in, and let’s get into it!

1. Choosing the Right Commander: It’s More Than Just a Face

When we first jumped into Rise of Kingdoms, we thought, “Hey, a commander is just a cool character leading our troops, right?” Boy, were we wrong! Your choice of commander can make or break your gameplay. Here’s why:

  1. Talent Trees Matter: Every commander in Rise of Kingdoms has a unique talent tree. These trees determine how your commander performs in various situations, from farming barbarians to rallying troops. The right talent build can give you a significant edge. We’ve seen players with higher-tier troops lose battles simply because they chose the wrong talent tree. So, always ensure you’re optimizing your commander’s talent tree for the task at hand.

  2. Primary vs. Secondary Commanders: Here’s a fun fact – only your primary commander uses talents. The secondary one doesn’t. So, it’s crucial to level up your primary commander to the max (level 60) to unlock all their talents. Once that’s done, you can focus on your secondary commander, but only up to level 30 to unlock all their skills.

  3. Don’t Spread Yourself Thin: A common mistake we made early on was trying to level up multiple commanders at once. It’s a no-go. Focus on one commander at a time to make the most of their abilities.

  4. Research Before You Choose: With so many commanders available, from Sun Tzu to Joan of Arc, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. We recommend checking out detailed guides on each commander’s strengths, weaknesses, and best talent builds. This way, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your gameplay style.

In a nutshell, your commander is more than just a figurehead. They’re the backbone of your army, and the right choice can set you on a path to dominance. So, take your time, do your research, and choose wisely!

2. The Power of Alliances: Why Going Solo Isn’t Always the Best Move

When we first ventured into the vast landscapes of Rise of Kingdoms, we thought, “Hey, we can totally rock this game solo!” But as we progressed, we quickly realized the immense benefits of being part of an active alliance. Here’s why joining one can be a game-changer:

  1. Strength in Numbers: In the world of Rise of Kingdoms, there’s always strength in numbers. Being part of an active alliance means you have a group of players ready to back you up, whether it’s for defense, offense, or just some friendly advice.

  2. Shared Resources and Rewards: One of the coolest things about alliances is the shared rewards. When alliance members purchase in-game items or achieve certain milestones, everyone in the alliance gets a gift. It’s like a continuous stream of freebies!

  3. Faster Progression: Need help speeding up a building or research task? In an alliance, members can help reduce your waiting time. It’s a win-win – you progress faster, and so does the entire alliance.

  4. Territory Benefits: Alliances can capture and control certain areas on the map. Being in an alliance that controls a territory means you get special bonuses, like increased resource production. Trust us, it makes a huge difference!

  5. Shared Knowledge: We can’t count the number of times we’ve learned something new just by chatting with alliance members. Whether it’s strategies for battles, tips on managing resources, or insights into the latest game updates, there’s always someone willing to share their knowledge.

  6. Safety Net: Let’s face it, in Rise of Kingdoms, conflicts are inevitable. But when you’re part of an active alliance, you have a safety net. If a bigger player targets you, your alliance members can come to your aid, making potential attackers think twice.

In short, while it’s entirely possible to play Rise of Kingdoms solo, being part of an active alliance amplifies the fun and rewards. It’s like the difference between having a solo adventure and going on a thrilling journey with a group of friends. So, if you haven’t already, start scouting for that perfect alliance that aligns with your gameplay style and goals!

3. Scouting: The Unsung Hero of Rise of Kingdoms

When we first started our journey in Rise of Kingdoms, we were all about building, battling, and forming alliances. But there was one aspect we initially overlooked: scouting. It didn’t take us long to realize that scouting is like the secret sauce that spices up the game. Here’s why it’s a big deal:

  1. Discover Hidden Treasures: The map in Rise of Kingdoms is vast and filled with hidden gems. By constantly sending out scouts, we stumbled upon tribal villages and mysterious caves. These places often reward you with free resources, speed-ups, and sometimes even gems. It’s like a mini treasure hunt every time!

  2. Knowledge is Power: Scouting isn’t just about finding goodies; it’s also about gathering intel. Before launching an attack on an enemy city or resource point, sending a scout gives you crucial information about their defenses, troops, and resources. This intel can be the difference between a victorious battle and a disastrous defeat.

  3. Stay Ahead of the Game: The world of Rise of Kingdoms is dynamic, with territories changing hands and new alliances forming. Regular scouting helps you stay updated on these changes, ensuring you’re always in the know and can adjust your strategies accordingly.

  4. It’s Free!: One of the best things about scouting? It doesn’t cost you anything! So there’s no reason not to have your scouts out and about, exploring every nook and cranny of the map.

  5. Strengthen Your Scouts: As you progress in the game, you can upgrade your scout camp, allowing you to send out multiple scout teams simultaneously. This not only speeds up your exploration but also lets you gather intel on multiple targets at once.

In a nutshell, scouting is like having a pair of eyes everywhere, giving you a bird’s-eye view of the game’s landscape. It’s an essential tool in your Rise of Kingdoms toolkit, ensuring you’re always one step ahead of your opponents. So, if you’ve been neglecting your scouts, it’s time to send them out on their next adventure!

4. Protecting Your Troops: Why It’s Not Just About the Battles

We’ve all been there. You’ve trained an impressive army, you’re feeling invincible, and then… bam! An unexpected attack, and suddenly, your once mighty force is decimated. It’s a hard lesson, but it taught us the importance of always keeping our troops safe. Here’s why and how:

  1. Troops are Precious: In Rise of Kingdoms, training troops isn’t just about spending resources. It’s about time, strategy, and sometimes even real money. Losing them, especially high-tier troops, can set you back significantly in your game progression.

  2. The Art of the Fake Gather: One trick we love? Sending our troops out to gather resources when we sense an impending attack. Even if the gathering spot is just outside our city, it keeps the troops safe from city raids. And hey, gathering resources is never a bad thing!

  3. Shelter is Your Best Friend: The troop shelter is a lifesaver. It’s a place where a certain number of your troops can hide and stay safe from attacks. Regularly using the shelter, especially during vulnerable times, ensures that a portion of your army remains untouched, no matter what.

  4. Alliance Reinforcements: Being part of an active alliance has its perks. If you think you’re about to face a massive attack, request reinforcements from your alliance members. Their troops can help defend your city, and sometimes, just the sight of reinforcements can deter potential attackers.

  5. Scout Before You Battle: Before you decide to engage in any battle, always scout first. Knowing what you’re up against can help you decide whether to proceed or hold back. It’s better to avoid a battle you can’t win than to lose your precious troops.

  6. Heal, Don’t Disband: If your troops get injured in battle, don’t disband them. Instead, heal them in your hospital. It’s cheaper and faster to heal injured troops than to train new ones from scratch.

In essence, while battles are a thrilling part of Rise of Kingdoms, it’s essential to remember that protecting your troops is just as crucial. They’re your ticket to dominance in the game, and every soldier counts. So, always be strategic, think ahead, and ensure your troops live to fight another day!

5. City Layout: More Than Just Aesthetics

When we first started building our city in Rise of Kingdoms, we’ll admit, we were all about making it look pretty. But as we delved deeper into the game, we realized that a well-planned city layout isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s a strategic move. Here’s why and how to do it right:

  1. Efficiency is Key: A well-organized city means you can access and manage your buildings faster. Grouping similar buildings together, like all your resource buildings in one corner, makes it easier to collect resources or upgrade buildings without scrolling all over the place.

  2. Defensive Strategy: Your city will get attacked—it’s just a matter of when. By placing your defensive structures, like walls and watchtowers, in strategic locations, you can better fend off attackers. Remember, a strong defense can deter potential raiders.

  3. Accessibility Matters: Keep your most frequently accessed buildings, like the academy or the scout camp, closer to the city center. This way, you can quickly get to them without wasting time searching.

  4. Room to Grow: As you progress in the game, you’ll unlock new buildings. Always ensure you have space in your city layout for these new additions. It’s easier to rearrange things early on than to overhaul your entire city later.

  5. Aesthetic Appeal: While strategy is crucial, there’s no harm in making your city look good. A pleasing city layout can make your gameplay experience more enjoyable. Plus, it’s always fun to show off a well-designed city to your alliance members!

  6. Take Inspiration: If you’re feeling stuck, visit the cities of top players or your alliance members. Seeing how others have organized their space can give you fresh ideas for your own layout.

In a nutshell, your city layout in Rise of Kingdoms is a blend of strategy and creativity. It’s not just about where you place your buildings, but how you envision your city’s growth and defense. So, take a moment, plan it out, and build a city that’s not only beautiful but also a fortress against your foes!

Wrapping It Up: Your Journey in Rise of Kingdoms

There you have it, folks! We’ve shared some of our favorite tips and tricks that have helped us navigate the vast and exciting world of Rise of Kingdoms. But remember, every player’s journey is unique. While these tips provide a solid foundation, the real magic lies in exploring, experimenting, and finding your own path to greatness in the game.

For those of you eager to dive even deeper, we’ve got some fantastic resources that we’ve found super helpful:

  1. Top 10 Rise Of Kingdoms Guides, Strategies, Tips & Tricks: A comprehensive guide that covers a range of topics, from the day-night cycle in the game to exploring the massive unexplored map.

  2. Quick Tips for New Players: If you’re just starting out, this guide offers 70 quick tips that can give you a head start in the game.

  3. Rise of Kingdoms Guides: A treasure trove of guides on various aspects of the game, from commanders to events and more.

  4. Tips & Tricks Section: Dive into a collection of valuable tips and tricks that cater to both beginners and advanced players.

  5. Advanced Tips for Everyone: For those looking to up their game, this guide offers advanced strategies and insights.

Remember, Rise of Kingdoms is not just about battles and conquests; it’s about building alliances, strategizing, and most importantly, enjoying the journey. So, gear up, explore, and may your kingdom rise to unparalleled heights!

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